Keep It Clean - The Kitchen
“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”
In my last post, I talked a little bit about my bittersweet experience living alone for the past three months. I’ve definitely had my ups and downs since being here, but in doing so I’ve figured out what works for me and what doesn’t. There are a few things I do every day to make sure my apartment stays clean and inviting for myself, my cat, and anyone who decides to stop by. So, after being asked by one too many people how I do it, I’m starting a series with some of my top cleaning tips in each room.
Tips for the kitchen:
Make sure to clean as you go - don’t let any dishes build up in the sink or leave out food! As you’re working in the kitchen, take any extra time you have to clean up. For example: once you’re done using the salt and pepper, put them in their rightful place. Leaving things out that aren’t in use are the biggest culprit for an unorganized kitchen. If you are cleaning as you go, there will be less to worry about later on! I use Meyer’s cleaning products for nearly everything in my kitchen.
Wash off your dishes/immediately those dirty dishes in the dishwasher - when you have finished eating off of a plate or drinking out of a glass, just get the washing out of the way! You don’t want to battle the dried grease on pots and pans after hours of letting them sit in the sink. Take the extra time to clean and dry them correctly before putting them away in their rightful places.
Invest in a really good sponge - lately I’ve been using a sponge wand to spare my nails and avoid making a big watery mess around my sink. They’re really helpful to use if you tend to get a little grossed out about touching a used sponge with your bare hands. I find my sponge wands at Target and fill them regularly with my Meyer’s Dish Soap.
Wipe off the countertops regularly - you’re getting a lot of use out of them and they deserve your attention. As the unsung heroes of the kitchen, they should stay free of crumbs and hot sauce stains. Remember they’re your surface and whatever is on them has a pretty good chance of getting on some other things too. Also, know that not all counters should be cleaned with the same cleaning solution. When it doubt, use soap and water.
Make sure it smells good - do your best to combat all the “kitchen” scents that tend to build up over time. Buying a couple amazing candle to go on our counter or a wall plug can be a great way to do this. I tend to go for more fresh and floral scents to aren’t too strong and don’t mix in with any of the other scents in the kitchen. My favorite scent is Eucalyptus Mint from Bath and Body Works! It’s both incredibly calming and fresh.
Sweep the floors often - maybe you don’t always notice is when you’re whipping up something yummy in the kitchen, but the floors need some love too! Sweep and mop them frequently without ignoring any of the little nooks and crannies underneath the mat or cabinet spaces. It’ll cut down on pests and stop you from stepping into an unfortunate pile of sticky bread crumbs from your toast that morning.
Keep things Marie-Kondo level organized - make sure every item in your kitchen has a place it belongs and remember it while putting things away. When organizing your kitchen, put things where it feels natural to access them (and no, your junk drawer does not count). Make your kitchen items easy for you to find and ready to use. Getting lazy and leaving your clean dishes in the dishwasher or sink doesn’t count either! They belong where the dishes belong in your space.
Xx, Maya