My Favorite Fall Movies
“And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened.”
Happy Fall readers! Although I truly miss experiencing the cooler weather and changing leaves that I grew up with in the Pacific Northwest, I’m thoroughly excited for what this beautiful season will bring. One of my favorite things to do during the colder months is to curl up on my couch with some apple cider or tea and watch movies that bring all the things I love about fall to the screen: academic aesthetic, cozy nights, fall hues in nature, and a whole lot of plaid.
So for today’s post, I thought it might be fun to share my top 4 fall movies with you. For this list, I’m avoiding more classic Halloween or Thanksgiving centered films and focusing more on romantic dramas and comic of age films (a future post about my favorite holiday films is on its way!) If you give them a try or have any fall-themed film recommendations for me, let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear what your impressions of them are. Enjoy! :)
Dead Poets Society
Have you ever had a teacher that inspired you to be your best self? Mine was an English teacher in 11th grade who told me that I would do amazing things with my love for literature. In Dead Poets Society, Mr. Keating (played by the wonderful Robin Williams) does the same thing for his private school students through his teaching of poetry. It’s one of my all-time favorite coming of age movies and I don’t think I’ll ever stop recommending it to people. But be warned: it’s as uplifting and heart warming as it is heart wrenching. Get your tissues and popcorn ready if you’re in the mood to watch this classic. Carpe diem, seize the day!
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
I’m sure you’ve all heard of perhaps the most beloved romance novel of all time, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Out of all it’s film adaptations, my absolute favorite is director Joe Wright’s 2005 adaptation. Everything about this movie makes my heart swoon for fall and romance: the score, the warm color grading, unparalleled cinematic shots, dramatic handholding and the very existence of Keira Knightley on this earth. I fall in love with this movie each time I see it and can’t see myself every finding another as gorgeous as this. Take me for my world when I say that this film is incredible and 100% worth your watch. I love Pride and Prejudice most ardently!
When Harry Met Sally
There’s something so sweet and timeless about this 1989 film, and it’s not just the amount of wool sweaters worn by Sally. Whenever I see the leaves begin their transformation into their beautiful fall hues, this movie comes to mind. I’m a huge fan of Rom Coms, and this one just happens to be set during my favorite time of year and one of my favorite places: New York City. In true Rom Com fashion, viewers can watch as our protagonists are met with 12 years of chance encounters and missed opportunities in the city that never sleeps. It’s lighthearted, funny, and leaves you with a warm feeling for hours after you’ve seen it.
Far From the Madding Crowd
As you already know, I have a huge appreciation for classic 19th century literature. Although my love for anything by Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters remains unparalleled, I also love Thomas Hardy’s 1974 romantic novel Far From Madding Crowd. The 2015 adaptation of it has been a fall tradition of mine ever since. In comparison the aforementioned movies on this lists, this one is unique in that it is set against the backdrop of the harvest season in the English countryside. Carey Mulligan also does a brilliant job of bringing one of my favorite literary heroines, Bathsheba Everdene to life (just as she did as Kitty Bennet in 2005’s Pride and Prejudice.) The film is filled to the brim with gorgeous jewel-toned hues in true Victorian Gothic fashion as well as beautiful countryside imagery that fall decor so heavily draws from.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Finally, we have an all-time fan favorite: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. In all honesty, I could have included every single one of the Harry Potter films on this list, as they are all reminiscent of fall imagery and school days (with the added touch of magic and mystery). The first film of the film series has made my fall watch list every year since I first saw it when I was 12 during a friend’s Harry Potter themed birthday party. Now that I live in Los Angeles, I have the privilege of visiting the world of Harry Potter at Universal Studios to live my childhood wizarding dreams. I’ll be a potterhead to the end! ⌁☍
That’s it for this post! Again, feel free to sound out in the comments letting me know which of these fall flicks are your favorites and/or with more autumnal movie recommendations. Be sure to check back often for more of my fall favorites.
Grand bisous,